How can I purchase UNITAR Transcript, Fake UNITAR International University Transcript, Buy Malaysia Fake Transcript, Fake Transcript, UNITAR International University (UNITAR) is a visionary, private, higher-learning institution. Established in 1997, we are known for being the first virtual university in Southeast Asia and one of the pioneering private universities in Malaysia. Our aim is to provide a platform for lifelong learning opportunities that prepares students at all stages of their lives.
Our state-of-the-art main campus is situated in Kelana Jaya and is supported by 11 other independent campuses spread throughout West and East Malaysia. The University provides affordable education at the Foundation, Diploma, Bachelor, Master and Doctorate levels to expand reach of high-quality learning through conventional and distance-learning programmes. There are over 40 programmes crafted to produce industry-ready graduates through a holistic learning environment.
Dedicated to setting the highest standards of education, UNITAR offers a wide range of programmes in the fields of Accounting, Banking & Finance. Information Technology, Education, Early Childhood, Counselling, Business, Marketing, Communication, Human Resource, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality, Culinary and Tourism.
These programmes provide a pathway to a brighter future for students who want to pursue internationally recognized degrees at affordable costs. The global recognition and international curriculum standards provide graduates with better career opportunities. Couple this with the university’s principles of a modern education culture referred to as C.A.R.E (Collaborative, Adaptive, Reflective and Entrepreneurial) inculcated throughout their time at university, UNITAR graduates are ready to take on the future.
What does a fake UNITAR International University transcript do?
The Transcript of Records is a document you will need to present, as part of the application process at your future host university from abroad. If you will be part of an exchange programme, you will also need another official transcript of records at the end of your study period, completed by the university where you attended courses.
The Transcript of Records (ToR) consists basically of a list of the course units taken, the exams you have passed and the credits gained.
In the Transcript, you can usually see:
the course unit code (basically the code the host university gives to a specific academic course)
the title of the courses you have attended at your host university
the duration of the course (if one semester or two)
the local grade (your exam mark, which is very important in order to get your ECTS credits)
the ECTS credits you have gained by passing the exam
In case your home university does not use the ECTS system, the transcript of records should include an explanation of the credit and grading systems used. If you’re submitting the ToR online, you can describe the grading scale used at the institution at the time of study. The description should clarify which are the highest and lowest grades.
Depending on the rules set by each university, your academic records can be filled by yourself or the home and/or host university, usually the International Office. Normally, the ToR is being filled once you have passed all your exams included in the Learning Agreement, and, usually, the failed courses won’t be listed, just the ones you passed.