How can I Order a Lebanese University Diploma, Fake Lebanese University Faculty of Sciences Diploma, Buy Fake University Diploma, The Lebanese University was established in 1951. It isthe only institution in Lebanon that provides public higher education, spanningal majors and levels. It also carries out continuous scientific Research andqualification courses to achieve its national, human and developmental roles inall sectors and areas. In the last decade, it adopted an open policy withpublic and private institutes in Lebanon, to cooperate on research, academic,cultural or developmental fields or to grant its students internship opportunities.
For this purpose it concluded agreements andpartnerships with many private universities, hospitals, organization, municipalities,research centers and laboratories. It also opened public medical centers toserve citizens at the faculties of dentistry and public health. On the internationallevel the University has signed many cooperation agreements and academic exchangeprograms with more than 250 international universities and institutions in orderto support the development of educational programs and exchange experience andresearch with regional and international education organizations (i.e. Erasmusproject, Quality Assurance Project).